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In the last quarter this year, I learned to drink coffee. Yes, coffee. 🙂 I don’t drink coffee because it gives me a dizzy feeling. Worse, the aroma of it that most people love, gives pain from the temporal part of my head. Since then, coffee is not part of my beverage roll.

My friend/room-mate Hannah who arrived from Thailand (who drinks coffee every morning) gives me the habit of smelling the coffee’s aroma. And later on, I was able to drink coffee. 🙂 I discover that anything can possibly learn, we just have to get the habit of it.

A habit is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed. It says “acquired” meaning that anyone of us can possess. 😉 The best behavior that all people must acquire is the habit of learning God’s word.

In the process of learning I learned that the first step a person must take is the acceptance, the acceptance of not knowing enough or knowing nothing at all. Admit it, we can’t know all things. We must learn to put down our egos and assert that all victories in life were all by the grace of God.

The habit of learning is not about being dissatisfied, but rather being content with the entire lesson God has given. Well I guess it’s more about the habit of depending on His wisdom in every task in our lives and learning to please the Lord by being obedient to whatever He says. 😉

My issue about coffee? Well, I guess it’s all about psychological thing. And I have to accept the fact that it’s part of my so-called “kaartehan” in life. 😛 Not knowing its benefit and advantage to my health, I should have learned it before. But I have no plan of making it a habit, it’s enough that I’ve learned something in drinking coffee. 😉

Want a cup of coffee? 🙂